Dental Care
Randolph, Braintree, Stoughton Area Veterinarian Pet Dentistry
Dentist Services for Your Dog/Cat
You are a responsible pet owner. You take good care of your pet. But do you always remember to take care of your pet’s teeth?
At Randolph Animal Hospital, we know that pets have dental diseases and dental problems just like humans do. Many of these pet dental problems can be avoided by bringing your pet to your veterinary dentist for regular dental check-ups and dental cleanings.
Cat/Dog Dental disease can be avoided.
Signs of Dental Problems in Pets
- Bad breath – one of the first signs of dental disease
- A yellowish-brown crust of plaque on the teeth near the gum line
- Red and swollen gums
- Pain or bleeding when your pet eats or when the mouth or gums are touched
- Decreased appetite or difficulty eating
- Loose or missing teeth
Does your pet have bad breath or reddened gums?
If so, it could be from gingivitis. Gingivitis occurs when soft plaque hardens into rough, irritating tartar. Tartar build-up on your pet’s teeth can cause damage to the teeth and gums.
If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to an infection called periodontal disease. This disease can cause the loss of teeth.
You can prevent serious pet dental problems from happening by making sure your pet receives dental exams at the time of each vaccination, again at six months of age, and then annually.
Cat/Dog Dental Service Cleanings
Veterinary dentistry is quite different from the equivalent process in people. For most of us, caring for our teeth and gums has been part of our daily routine for as long as we can remember. Consequently, a person’s visit to the dental hygienist is relatively brief and does not require sedation. In contrast, veterinary dentistry is considerably more involved, time-consuming, and complex. It requires general anesthesia, and consequently a day’s hospitalization and the skills of several people, from veterinarians to veterinary technicians and animal attendants.
Predental Workup
A predental workup involves laboratory and diagnostic tests to better evaluate a pet’s current health status and to assure safe anesthesia. Current medical problems must be evaluated and any possible unknown problems must be identified prior to veterinary dentistry.
For otherwise healthy young animals, we suggest a brief in-hospital blood screen on the day of the dentistry. For older animals, a complete blood count (CBC) and blood chemistry profile (SMA20) is taken at least one day prior to the dentistry. A preoperative electrocardiogram (EKG) or ultrasound may be suggested in certain circumstances.
Your pet’s dental cleaning will begin with a physical examination. This is important to evaluate your pet’s general health. After the physical exam, your pet is given an anesthesia for a safe and painless sleep during the dental cleaning.
The first part of dental cleaning requires the removal of tartar. This is done with a hand scaler.
Next, a periodontal probe checks for pockets under the gumline where periodontal disease and bad breath starts. A mechanical scaler is used to clean above the gumline while a curette cleans and smoothes the teeth under the gumline in the crevice.
Your pet’s teeth are polished, creating a smooth surface. The gums are washed with an anti- bacterial solution to help delay tartar build-up both under the gumline and on the crown of the tooth.
Finally, a fluoride treatment is applied to strengthen your pet’s teeth, to desensitize exposed roots, and to decrease infection.
Home Prevention of Pet Dental Problems
Dental care for your pet does not end with a visit to your Randolph, Braintree, and Stoughton area veterinarian. You need to continue your veterinarian’s good work at home. Brushing your pet’s teeth is an important part of home dental care. The staff at Randolph Animal Hospital will show you the proper method of brushing your pet’s teeth.
Give your pet complete dental care
Annual veterinary dental care and home dental care will help keep your pet’s breath fresh and gums and teeth healthy. Your pet’s smile and healthier life will be equaled by your smile and pride in a job well done.
Dental Care Q & A
During the first year, your pet should have its teeth checked at all puppy and kitten examinations, at the time of spaying or neutering and after the examination for any retained “baby teeth” (which is performed at six months).
Your pet should have an annual checkup for dental health when it receives its yearly booster vaccines.
Cavities are not as common in pets, but do occur occasionally. Frequently in cats “subgingival caries” may form, when the gum lines have receded excessively, exposing the dentin layer that is much softer than enamel.
The most common cause of bad breath is excessive tartar deposits on the teeth. Bacteria feed and live in the tartar and produce offensive odors. Tartar is a crusty collection of food particles, minerals, and bacteria that forms at the tooth/gum borders. However, metabolic diseases such as kidney disease, diabetes, etc. can also produce halitosis.
Yes. As tartar accumulates at the gum line, it causes gum recession and inflammation or “gingivitis”. This allows bacteria in the tartar to infect and loosen the base of the tooth, causing periodontal disease. In pets, periodontal disease may lead to an infection of the heart (endocarditis) and/or of other organs, as also may occur in people. Inflammation of the gums and infection of the teeth can cause your pet considerable pain, and his/her appetite and general attitude may deteriorate.
Feed your pet a well-balanced, commercial diet. Brushing the teeth is an excellent way to check tartar build-up, though once hard plaque has developed, your pet may require dentistry. Brushing with C.E.T., a flavored toothpaste designed for pets, 2-3 times weekly, discourages tartar build-up.
For dogs, Booda bones, Nylabones, or large rawhide chew toys are also helpful as preventatives and also aid in stimulation of the gums. If your pet does not let you brush the teeth, you may use one of the pre-made mouthwashes e.g. Nolvadent. Alternatively, if you cannot provide maintenance, you may need to have us perform full dental scaling and polishing on a more frequent basis.
Dentistry is required when hardened tartar deposits have occurred and/or when periodontal disease is present. It is also required when substantial mouth odor exists, which indicates infection or decay even if it is not readily apparent.
This depends on diet, dental alignment, amount of gum recession that has already occurred, and future care of your pet’s teeth. Smaller breeds tend to develop tartar much more quickly; in most cases this is a genetic predisposition and not something the owner can readily modify. However, the degree to which the owner provides ongoing dental prophylaxis heavily influences the outcome!
Pet Dental FAQs
Every pet owner wants their dog or cat to live a happy, healthy life. When you think about your pet’s health, you may think about vaccinations, spaying or neutering, or perhaps medication to relieve an issue. While pet dental care is equally as important as the aforementioned pet care aspects, it is often overlooked. Pet dental health is a key part of veterinarian checkups, and the oral surgery experts at Randolph Animal Hospital in Randolph, MA, can help you to better understand treatments and preventative dental care measures for your pets. Following are the answers to questions our veterinarian frequently receives regarding pet dental care.
What Are Some Common Pet Dental Health Issues?
Broken, fractured, or chipped teeth are some of the most common issues that our vet team sees. Pets, especially dogs, will often bite onto objects without a second thought, and some objects are simply far too tough for pets to handle in their mouths. Some pet chews like rawhide are meant to be soft, but poor oral health will lead to damage with everyday chews. Broken teeth will require oral surgery, while chipped teeth will require regular maintenance.
Should Pets Get Regular Checkups?
Yes, pets are no different from humans in that their oral health will be affected by a variety of things ranging from diet to environment. Regular checkups not only ensure your pet is in good health, but also that they are not developing complications that can lead to further issues down the line. Checkups are an excellent way to prevent oral health concerns like gingivitis. Periodontal diseases may occur along with teeth and gums if good dental hygiene is not maintained.
Do Pets Need a Veterinary Dentist?
Any veterinarian will be able to check a pet’s mouth and teeth to see if they have any obvious issues, such as cracked teeth or gum disease. If necessary, they can refer an owner to a veterinary dentist who has the necessary skills for further care. Not all pet oral health conditions require a vet dentist, but their input and advice help prevent health problems and maintain good oral health.
Contact Our Veterinarian in Randolph, MA for Pet Dental Care
The veterinary specialists at Randolph Animal Hospital understand the various dental problems that commonly affect dogs, cats, and other pets. If your furry friend is having problems chewing or eating, they may have an underlying oral health issue that requires medical attention. For more information on pet dental care, oral surgery, dog or cat teeth cleaning, or to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian, call us at (781) 963-2298.